spiders and scorpions are not actually true bugs! they are arachnids. they're easily identified by the presence of eight limbs as opposed to six!

3.2.24: finished the landing page for my shrine directory but god KNOWS when i'll actually get to it hhffbhfbshb,s

2.27.24: spruced up my homepage!!

2.26.24: beginning the process of making a character shrine directory that is EXTREMELY NORMAL and NON THREATENING

2.25.24: linked my spacehey account because i am NOTTTT about to start fighting with some damn html just to blog about my personal turmoils

2.24.24: updated the background, added some stamps, working on a diary section!

2.23.24: new template being used as a homepage scaffholding. made by doffy2 on tumblr!!

welcome to the bug zoneeee

Welcome to my hive! My name is Bug, and this website is dedicated to every creepy crawlie browsing the web from underneath their stones and logs and forest floor debris. I hope you enjoy your stay here; the world is harsh and unforgiving outside of this place.

Browse through my site as you please, but keep in mind that it is under constant construction! Sorry if some of the links or images don't work as they're intended; it's my first time ever coding. I will be periodically updating the site when I can, but I can't promise regular blog posts or anything scheduled like that.

