bug trivia!!!

hi!!! my name is bug, i'm currently 19 yrs old and attending college for a bachelors's in environmental science. i hope to one day become an entomologist, and i'm currently co-authoring a paper on how fire ant morphology affects their movement speed + their ability to carry objects. my favorite bug is the stag beetle, i can't stand the texture of yogurt, and i'm allergic to cashew milk :3

this blog is meant to be an exploration into coding without limits or restrictions, with no solid "timeline" for development and no regard for weekly updates. this is more of a playground than a "professional" site; i am here to express myself and bring myself joy by cobbling together my own little digital world away from the eyes of algorithms and advertisers and all the other bullshit you'd deal with on a normal social media platform. originally, i was content staying on tumblr, but as the site continues to degrade and dwindle...i figured that it might be worth it to get an ACTUAL blog, where i could control what people do and don't see on it.

i'm totally new to coding! i only started doing this seriously a few months ago, and it's been one hell of a journey since; i use coding to feel a sense of accomplishment and success when i get overwhelmed with schoolwork, or as a way to stop doomscrolling, or to just...do something when i'm bored. as with every single site on here, this site is ALWAYS and FOREVER a work in progress. this site is a canvas covered in paint that's never drying! i will update this thing until i either lose steam or die!!!!!!

i hope you have as much looking at my shit as i did putting said shit here. peace and love on planet bug!!!!!!!!!

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